Code & Poetry
2018 03 01
My style of writing poetry has almost certainly been influenced by being a software developer. I find that I use indentation a lot, and punctuation very little. I find that I have a habit of indenting both for structure - concepts which are related get indented together - and for aesthetics. Human language and computer language can definitely stand pretty closely.
As an example, a few poems I've written:
Pay Attention:
Pay Attention
Spend your attention on me
Put your attention into
A little piggy bank
A tithe to the day
to productivity
I’ll collect it once a month
Small Steps:
Can I sit up, write the date?
Can I take a small step heading
in the direction I want to take?
Open your door
Walk your son
Down the road
Push him out there
And go back in
How many sons do we push?
That’s a metaphor.
My life is over-stretching
My shoulders
My metaphors
Every piece of a person goes into every other piece, I guess. If you’re a programmer who writes poetry, expect the poetry to influence your code and your code to influence your poetry.
This whole idea inspired by a tweet by @maybekatz. I'm not sure I've done with the idea yet, either...